Hello Friend
It's been a strange and vital calling, to learn to observe and collaborate with the universe.
I couldn't have ever imagined that such lofty ideas would ever occur to me, much less become a cornerstone upon which I've built a life beyond all younger expectations.
Yet here we are.
This webspace is intended to lay out the chronology of my work and to provide an access point for any seekers of the novel beauty that appears when I disappear and let a celebration of flow and structure take over.
to draw together a is a talisman against self doubt,
where I hope to
And when the doubt arise see cohesion in the chaos of my frenzied or apathetic practice
I've divided this website up into these main sections so that you can find what you're looking for!
- saved my life and I am in daily awe of it's deeply transformative power. Here you can dive into my Tattoo history, see my up to date portfolio or find out how to book in.
Static Art (WIP)
- As well as tattooing, I am passionate about crafting unique functional and decorative art in a range of mediums. This section contains a pictoral record of my completed works, my CV and a form to request a .pdf catalogue of original art.
Psychedelic Space
- is the name I use for the worlds that are created when I let intuition take charge of my hand. This section tells the story of my coming into cosmic awareness and the Merry dance this gnosis has lead me (and my creative output) on.
- My Friends, Peers, Educators, Band Mates and the Vision Train! This list of incredible humans has had a powerful influence on my life and I'm grateful for every one of them.
- Know exactly what you want? Drop me a line and get straight to the point! Video calling's available on request!
I looking forward to see what we can cook up together!